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Safe Pest Control

When it comes to pest control methods, every method isn’t safe. Because when you see proof of pests in your house, your first tendency may be to reach for the strongest bug spray you can find. But is it safe? If you think yes, think again. While pesticides and strong bug sprays will likely kill whatever undesirable visitors are inhabiting your home, they can also be toxic to you and your family. When it comes to children and pets, they are particularly sensitive to harm from pesticides, because their bodies and immune systems are still developing and pets are just different. They are also more likely to be exposed to pesticides because of their small size, crawling or running on the floor, and putting their hands or other objects in their mouths.

However, on the other hand, household pests are also a danger to your family. Cockroaches carry lots of bacteria and produce allergens that may trigger asthma and allergies in pets and kids. Rodent droppings can also initiate allergies and asthma. Flies, roaches, and mosquitoes carry several germs and diseases.

There are methods to control pests and keep your family safe, too. Using safe pest control not only protects your young ones but also benefits the environment. Here are a few recommendations for safer pest control methods:

  • Choose the right pesticide. Go for ones that say “eco-friendly” or “environmentally friendly”
  • Prevent infestations

How do you do that? We have the tips below:

Preventing infestations

  • Pick up all food and sweep off crumbs right after eating.
  • Keep your kitchen tables, counters, sinks, and appliances clean. Wash and dry the dishes after having meals.
  • Clean under larger kitchen appliances as well, such as refrigerators and stoves, since many pests are found in greasy places. Food debris can also often gather in these spaces attracting pests.
  • Store food in sealed containers or the fridge. If you store food in cardboard boxes, make sure they are sealed.
  • Keep your garbage in a bin that has a tight lid, and often take out the trash. Place outdoor dust bins as far from your home as possible.
  • Fix any household leaks and clean any excess moisture or humidity on kitchen counters or sinks. Cockroaches like humid places and can swim.
  • Try to keep your house clutter-free. Piles of clothes, magazines, newspapers, or boxes can tempt pests and provide a safe haven for them to hide and breed.
  • Sweep or vacuum carpets and floors regularly.
  • Don’t leave pet food out overnight and store it in tight containers.
  • Fix any windows, doors, or walls that may have holes to prevent pests from entering.
  • Regularly inspect secluded, dark corners of your house to make sure no pests are living there.
  • Check for any cracks or openings where pests may enter your house, such as behind sinks, or along baseboards, and check your foundation and basement.

Choosing the right pesticides

If you have already tried prevention techniques and still have a pest problem, you may need to use pesticides to treat the area. Be sure that you’re aware of what kind of pest you’re trying to eradicate. If you’re not sure whether you have carpenter ants or regular ants, your chosen method may not affect them. Hence, knowing what type of pest you are dealing with will help you choose the right kind of pesticide for your problem.

The next step is to choose a pesticide that will work against the specific pest you have in your household and choose one that poses the least threat to your own health. Glue and bait traps are often a good way to start if you have rodents. Bait traps also exist for insects.

Bait traps allow you to limit the insecticide to a small area rather than spreading it around. However, you’ll still need to be careful that kids and pets can’t get into the bait traps. You can buy bait traps made specifically for most household pests.

While using the pesticide you should

  • Be sure that it will work on the pest you are trying to get rid of.
  • Always read labels before using them, follow the directions carefully, and never use more than required.
  • Look for one that’s already mixed rather than a product you’ll have to mix yourself.
  • If a pesticide is meant to be used outdoors, do not use it inside.
  • Apply pesticide to the smallest areas, not over an entire room.
  • How long should they stay out? Check the label as it should tell you. Before applying pesticide, remove pets, children, and their toys and food from the area.
  • Open the windows to clear the air out of the room after applying them.
  • Pesticides can harm your skin, so wear gloves, full trousers, and sleeves to protect your skin when using pesticides. Wash yourself and your clothes after you’re done.
  • After using it, store the leftover pesticide in the original bottle, out of reach from children and pets. Don’t pour it down your drain or throw it in the trash. Follow its label instructions to dispose of the pesticide correctly.
  • If you are left with an empty container, throw it and do not use it for any other purpose!
When to contact our pest control service

If you’ve tried our preventative measures and your own pesticides but still managed to find pests disturbing your sleep and risking your health, then it’s time to contact a safe pest control service! Pest Blaster Services is based in Sydney, Australia, and delivers effective and safe pest control services to its surrounding regions as well.

The safety and satisfaction of our clients are the top priority of our professional staff. We understand that you are concerned about the protection of your child and pet more than yourself, and that is why we have especially formulated eco-friendly pest control methods that are not only safe for you and your little ones, but also for the environment.

Contact Pest Blaster Services now for safe pest control in your house and get rid of any annoying pests for good!